Many helpful tips and strategies to help you market your business on the Internet.

I use many if not all of these techniques myself. I will continue to add new articles to this section as I find new strategies that have worked well for my own business.

Feel free to adapt any of these ideas to suit your own business.

Internet Marketing

Is Every Client Experience Unique?

Back in the day, I did some work in the client/customer experience arena. What actually is ‘customer experience’? You might be asking yourself. In a nutshell, it’s the concept behind managing customer expectations vs. actual experience. This can be achieved through many ways, it could be processes and methodologies, it could be technology, it could be a more physical approach so your customer has an entry point to your products and services that they can physically see or touch. It about what products you sell and how you sell them, how you market and advertise, how you reach out in the first instance, and how you support after a sale.

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